Frequently Asked Questions for Graduates
What is the date of Spring 2025 Commencement?
May 9, 2025 at 10am in Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
What happens in the case of rain for the University Ceremony?
The Spring 2025 University Commencement Ceremony is held outdoors at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium. In the event of severe weather we will update the ECU home page and the Commencement website.
Will there be a Live Stream for the Ceremonies?
There will be a live stream link for the University Commencement Ceremony which will be posted on the commencement website on May 9, 2025 at 10am.
There will not be a live stream or recording for the individual college recognition ceremonies unless otherwise communicated by the individual college/department.
What time should I arrive for the University Ceremony?
All graduates should arrive to Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium by TBA. Doctoral students report to Harvey Hall located in the Murphy Center.
Will there be any other in-person ceremonies for Spring 2025 for college or departments (e.g. College of Business / Psychology Dept.)?
ECU will host college recognition ceremonies in the afternoon and evening of May 9 and 10 in various locations. Guest tickets ARE required for entry. Ticket distribution will be from March 24 – April 25. College information about ticket pick-up will be distributed by the colleges.
Below is the listing of the College Ceremonies:
Minges Coliseum
- 1pm – Fine Arts and Communication
- 4pm – Nursing
- 7pm – Engineering and Technology
Main Campus Student Center Ballrooms
- 1pm – Health and Human Performance
- Interior Design and Merchandising, Social Work
- 4pm – Health and Human Performance
- Kinesiology and Recreation Sciences
- 7pm – Health and Human Performance
- Health Education and Promotion and Human Development and Family Sciences
Wright Auditorium
- 1pm – Arts & Sciences
- University Studies
- 4pm – Arts & Sciences
- International Studies, Political Science, Public Administration and Security Studies
- 7pm – Dental Medicine
Hendrix Theater (inside the Mendenhall Building)
- 3pm – Arts & Sciences
- Economics and Quantitative Economics and Econometrics
Greenville Convention Center
- 1pm – Brody School of Medicine
East Carolina Heart Institute
- 4pm – Brody Sciences
Minges Coliseum
- 9am – Business
- Miller School of Entrepreneurship, Finance and Insurance, Management Information Systems, Marketing and Supply Chain Management
- 12pm – Business
- Accounting, School of Hospitality Leadership, Management, Thomas D. Arthur Graduate School of Business
- 3pm – Education
Main Campus Student Center Ballrooms
- 9am – Allied Health
- Health Services and Information Management, Nutrition Science, Addiction and Rehabilitation Studies, Physician Assistant Studies
- 12pm – Allied Health
- Clinical Laboratory Science, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy
- 3pm – Arts & Sciences
- Biochemistry (Biology concentration); Biology; Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biology, Biomedicine and Chemistry (Biology concentration); and Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Wright Auditorium
- 9am – Arts & Sciences
- Health Psychology, Neuroscience Studies and Psychology
- 12pm – Arts & Sciences
- Criminal Justice
- 3pm – Arts & Sciences
- English, Professional Writing and Information Design, Rhetoric, Writing and Professional Communication
Hendrix Theater (inside the Mendenhall Building)
- 9am – Arts & Sciences
- Applied Atmospheric Science; Community and Regional Planning; Environmental Studies: Geography; Geographic Information Science and Technology; Geology; and Planning and Development
- 11am – Arts & Sciences
- Biochemistry (Chemistry concentration); Biomedical Physics; Chemistry; Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biology, Biomedicine and Chemistry (Chemistry concentration); Mathematics; and Physics
- 1pm – Arts & Sciences
- Applied Sociology; Anthropology; and Sociology
- 3pm – Arts & Sciences
- African and African American Studies; Foreign Languages and Literatures; Hispanic Studies; History; Maritime Studies; Philosophy; and Religious Studies
Does everyone need a ticket for the college ceremony?
Yes, every person older than three years of age must have a guest ticket. Exception – any child three years of age and under must sit on the lap of another guest and will not have their own seat.
What if I forget to pick up my tickets?
Any guest tickets not picked up (unclaimed) by the April 25th deadline, not including DE-only students, will be returned to each college/department. The unclaimed tickets may be redistributed to other graduates who have already picked up tickets, but that process will be announced after April 25th by each respective college. You will NOT be able to pick up tickets at the Central Ticket Office after April 25, 2025.
Are extra guest tickets available?
The only way to receive additional guest tickets, beyond your allotment, is through the re-distribution of unclaimed tickets. The process for each college/department is unique to that college/department and will be communicated directly to graduates. Be advised the number of unclaimed tickets available for re-distribution will not be known until after April 25, 2025. See communications from your college/department for details.
- Selling, buying, duplicating, or trading tickets for the ceremonies is completely prohibited and may result in your tickets being revoked.
What if I am a DE-Only student?
For Distance Education only students (students who don’t take any on-campus classes and may not come to campus before the day of the ceremony) – Each college has provided a list of DE-only students and those ticket allotments will be held aside and not re-distributed. Additional information will come directly to graduates from each individual college / department.
If you have a college specific question, please click the link below to reach that college’s representative.
Who Attends the College Ceremonies?
College ceremonies include undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral students. If the college doesn’t have multiple ceremonies listed above that means all departments in that college will attend that ceremony.
A member of our group is a person with a disability. How do we make advanced arrangements?
The venue for the main university ceremony is fully accessible. Volunteers will be available to direct individuals with disabilities to accessible parking and seating options. The main university ceremony is ASL interpreted.
If you have questions specific to accommodations for the Commencement ceremony, please contact DSS at
Where do I park for the University Ceremony?
For the University Commencement Ceremony, all ECU parking lots around Dowdy-Ficklen stadium will be open and free of charge for graduate and guest parking. Carpooling for guests and graduates is strongly encouraged. Guests with valid state-issued handicapped permits or plates requiring accessible parking should park in the DMV Placard Required area between Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium and Minges Coliseum.
ECU Police and event staff will assist with parking guests and graduates. Click here for directions to Minges Coliseum from outside of Greenville.
For the college ceremonies, all ECU parking lots will be open for use. Do not parking in a handicapped space without having a valid state-issued handicapped permit.
What if I am a double major?
For graduates earning more than one degree in the same semester, you can attend multiple ceremonies if you like. If the two ceremonies happen to be at the same time, you would just choose which one to attend. You will have guest tickets available for each ceremony you choose to attend.
Are names read during the University Ceremony?
ECU does not read the names of graduates during the university ceremonies. This is not a pandemic related situation. We simply don’t have the ability to read thousands of individual names in the university ceremonies. Only doctoral and professional student names will be read as this is a standard practice during university ceremonies. Individual names are typically read during the college ceremonies.
I have heard that names are read in ceremonies. Where did that happen and why not this fall?
The names of undergraduate and master’s degree graduate names are typically read during the 20+ college and department ceremonies, which is separate from the university ceremony.
How do I know if I have met all the necessary academic requirements to graduate?
Review your Degree Works audit accessed through your Pirate Port account. If you have concerns with your degree audit, contact your academic advisor or contact Graduation Services at
Where do I get my cap and gown?
Dowdy Students Stores, located in the Main Campus Student Center, is East Carolina University’s official source for graduation regalia, merchandise, and apparel.
They will be open throughout graduation week. You can also still pick up caps and gowns at the store this week. Shipping for caps and gowns is no longer available.
For additional cap and gown information click here.
When do I get my diploma?
Diplomas are mailed 10-12 weeks after graduation using the address provided in the graduation application submitted by the student. Click here to learn more.
What is the difference between the main university commencement ceremony and my unit recognition ceremony?
The main university commencement ceremony is where degrees are conferred by the Chancellor; individual names are not read; Your unit ceremony is coordinated and held by your college, school or department.
What size is my diploma?
Diplomas, both graduate and undergraduate, are 11”x14”. Certificates, both graduate and undergraduate, are 8 1/2”x11”.
How do I change the address for where my diploma should be mailed?
Graduation applications cannot be updated by a student once they are submitted. Contact the Registrar’s Office ( for any updates that need to be made to the graduation application, including the address to where a diploma or certificate should be mailed.